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  • “We will seek exceptions for Belarusians”. Franak Viacorka’s update on restrictions at EU border

    July 23, 2024

    Franak Viacorka: “As you know, we are in contact with the Foreign Ministries of Lithuania, Poland, Latvia, and Estonia regarding the restrictions against Belarusian-registered vehicles. These restrictions, introduced due to sanctions, were meant to target the regime but have also indirectly affected Belarusians. We will seek exceptions.

    Poland has adopted a rather liberal approach by allowing entry for non-commercial vehicles provided that the owner is present in the car. Lithuania has postponed the enforcement of the decision until mid-August, allowing vehicles to pass if the owner is present. Latvia and Estonia have agreed to introduce humanitarian exceptions.

    How these measures will look in practice is still unclear. But we will do everything we can. We recommend that Belarusians already in the European Union re-register their cars with European license plates.

    In Lithuania, this process is quite quick and inexpensive, while in Poland it is a bit more complicated – we are working to simplify the procedure. However, if you do not do this, problems may arise over time – including potential fines. To avoid this, better take care of this in advance.

    We see that the regime is actively exploiting these restrictions by spreading fake news and disinformation. However, the imposed restrictions primarily target the regime, closing the many loopholes it has been using.

    We will defend the interests of Belarusians and fight for you. Tomorrow I am going to Tallinn to talk with government representatives to achieve some relief for Belarusians”.

    Mr. Viacorka’s full comment is available in Belarusian at the link.

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