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  • Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya launched Dresses for Freedom Exhibition in new office of Democratic Belarus Mission in Brussels

    June 26, 2024

    During her working visit to Brussels, the Belarusian leader delivered a speech at the opening of the “Dresses for Freedom” exhibition. This exhibition was created by Belarusian artist Hanna Karan and features dresses of Belarusian women who stood up against injustice.

    In her speech, Ms. Tsikhanouskaya noted: “You know, our revolution has often been called a women’s revolution. These are the dresses of all those brave Belarusian women who stood up against injustice – doctors, athletes, teachers. Today, some of them live in exile, some remain in Belarus waiting for their relatives to return home from prison. Some are in prison themselves. They all share a common dream, a dream of a new Belarus, a dream of freedom. This dream continues to unite Belarusians. It empowers us to continue our struggle”.

    The event took place in the new office of the Mission of Democratic Belarus in Brussels, for which Tsikhanouskaya thanked Flanders and its Minister-President, Jan Jambon: “In the heart of Brussels, Belarusians have their own home. This is a place where Belarusians can speak their language, promote their culture, and debate politics without fear of the KGB coming for them. It is a space of freedom, where everyone is welcome and there is no place for hatred, tyranny, or injustice”.

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