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  • Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya: “I understand that you value dialogue here in the OSCE. But do you want to have a dialogue with torturers and murderers?”

    February 22, 2024

    Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya addressed the General Committee on Democracy, Human Rights and Humanitarian Questions of the PA OSCE in Vienna:

    “Madame Chair,

    Secretary General, Roberto! 

    Distinguished members of OSCE PA,

    It’s great to be back. Back to a circle of friends. Friends who cherish freedom, democracy, justice and rule of law.

    We all cherish the same values. And we here believe in peaceful, democratic and prosperous Europe. 

    I am grateful to OSCE PA for your strong position in support of Ukraine and democratic Belarus. Both of our nations are fighting not only for our countries, but for the very values of Europe.

    Last week, as I was in Munich, I received the news of Alexei Navalny’s death. And this Tuesday, we learned about the death of Ihar Lednik, one of the leaders of Belarusian social-democrats.

    These murders are a reminder that security, democracy, and human rights are interconnected. If the government abuses, tortures and kill its own citizens, it won’t respect its neighbors and international order.

    Ihar Lednik was imprisoned for his article criticizing the Union State of Belarus and Russia, accusing Russia for violating the Budapest memorandum and its international obligations. He believed that Russia is the main threat to peace in Europe. And for his position, he paid with his life.

    These murders are also a reminder why we must do everything to support Ukraine’s victory, and those fighting for freedom in Belarus. 

    Without the victory of Ukraine, there will not be free Belarus. But also vice versa: without free Belarus there will not be neither safe Ukraine nor peaceful Europe. 

    Dear friends, 

    It feels that Putin and Lukashenka are testing us. They are testing the international community: how far they can go without consequences. 

    As we speak, thousands of political prisoners are behind bars, including Nobel Peace Prize laureate Ales Bialiatski, journalist Andrzej Poczobut, activist Masha Kolesnikava, or my husband Siarhei, whom my children did not see for four years already. Like many others, he is kept incommunicado for a year, and I don’t know if he is alive.

    Their fate directly depends on the international reaction. If it will be limited to “deep condolences” (and so far it looks like that), then we should prepare for more terrible news. We must not allow that to happen. 

    We must give a strong and decisive response to Lukashenka and Putin which must include sanctions and full isolation, until people are released and perpetrators brought to account.

    Dear friends, 

    You might ask: what can the OSCE PA do for Belarus?

    First, the OSCE PA should make it clear that crimes of Lukashenka will not be tolerated. We need the voice in OSCE PA, who will report on the situation on Belarus. I propose to assign the Rapporteur on Belarus, or relaunch the Working Group on Belarus, which existed in this assembly before.

    Second, this Sunday the regime will hold sham elections to the so-called Parliament. What election can we expect, when all opponents are in prison or in exile? When democratic political parties have been banned. No observers. No fair voting count. When the names of members of election commissions are now kept secret. When armed soldiers are patrolling the stations to scare and intimidate. It’s rather a military operation, but not an election.

    I call on OSCE PA not to recognize these elections. As it was done already by PACE. As it was done by the European Parliament. As it was done by representatives of more than 100 political parties in December last year.

    People who will be appointed to so-called parliament don’t represent people. And they don’t want dialogue. They see OSCE PA as a tribune to spread lies and justify the terror.

    They hope that OSCE PA will close its eyes on the sham elections, pretending that everything is normal.

    But it’s not normal. And we should not pretend that it is. I call on you to exclude the newly appointed so-called parliament of Belarus from the Parliamentary Assembly. 

    I understand that you value and cherish dialogue here in the OSCE. But do you want to have a dialogue with torturers and murderers? Lukashenka’s cronies do not represent the people of Belarus.

    OSCE PA already made the mistake of recognizing Lukashenka’s pocket parliament in 2000. It happened after the dictator dismissed the real parliament and murdered its former acting speaker Viktar Gonchar. It’s time to correct this mistake.

    Third, I ask you to invite representatives of Belarusian democratic movement and political parties as observers. They already participate in the work of PACE. Participation in OSCE PA will make the voice of Belarusians heard. And OSCE PA will show bravery and commitment to its own principles.

    We live in non-conventional times. And non-conventional times need non-conventional decisions.

    Dear friends,

    Let me assure you, that democratic Belarus will be a cornerstone for regional stability and international security. 

    With your help, we will restore justice and rule of law.

    We will conduct free and fair elections under the supervision of OSCE. And democratically elected parliamentarians will take their seats in this room.

    It’s not just a dream. It’s a plan. 

    Of course, it will take some time, and effort. But with your help, we will walk this path faster.

    Thank you.”

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