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  • “Godparents” of political prisoners: Who are they and what do they do?

    February 08, 2024

    In January, the number of symbolic godparents who joined the international Libereco and Viasna campaign WeStandBYou to support political prisoners reached 400. Humza Yousaf became the first head of the government to become a symbolic godparent as he took patronage over political prisoner Dzmitry Halavach. 

    Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya’s team explains below who the godparents are, how they help political prisoners, and why this campaign is an important tool for supporting people behind bars in Belarus.

    Who are the godparents?

    They are members of the European Parliament or the national parliaments of European countries. They have joined the international campaign to support Belarusian political prisoners, organized by the human rights organizations Libereco and Viasna.

    Where do the godparents come from?

    There are more than 20 countries in Europe alone where politicians have joined the campaign. They include Ireland, Scotland, Denmark, Norway, France, Portugal, Lithuania, Latvia, Belgium, Poland, Luxembourg, Germany, Sweden, Austria, the Netherlands, Ukraine, Slovenia, and Romania.

    Why is this project important?

    WeStandBYou is one of the tools that help draw international attention to the issues of political prisoners and human rights violations in Belarus. This raises awareness among the authorities and people of Western countries and expands the geography of solidarity. Moreover, it sends a signal to the relatives of political prisoners that the international community is trying to achieve the release of their loved ones and that the issue of Belarus continues to be on the agenda in Europe.

    What is the campaign’s goal?

    It aims to provide various support to political prisoners and demonstrate the European politicians’ solidarity. The efforts of godparents serve as a reminder to the regime that individuals who have become victims of repression are not forgotten. Furthermore, they underscore the international community’s commitment to utilizing legal and civil mechanisms to effect change in the situation.

    What can the godparents do?

    • Put pressure on the regime and demand information, send official appeals, and demand communication with political prisoners;
    • Write letters or send parcels to their wards;
    • Provide support to the families of political prisoners;
    • Raise awareness about the need for support and solidarity with political prisoners, organize rallies and campaigns, and encourage others to get involved.

    What can everyone else do?

    • Write letters, send postcards, or collect parcels;
    • Donate;
    • Support the families of the repressed through funds or personally.


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