BySol Solidarity foundation supports Belarusians who lost jobs because of their beliefs, those participating in strikes or peaceful protests in Belarus. The fund also supports public servants and law enforcement agencies' employees who quit their jobs to oppose the violence against the demonstrators and the fraud of the Presidential elections.
The Fund was created by the co-founders of the BY_help campaign (Andrej Stryzhak, Alexey Leonchik), Belarusian diaspora and business representatives (Yaroslav Lickhachevskiy). The fund is registered in the Netherlands.
Solidarity and mutual support are the cornerstone of the new Belarus where anyone, who shares the values of mutual aid and respect of human dignity, will find their place. Our solidarity is stronger than repressions.
BYSOL joints the following requirements of the Belarusian people:
- Bring an end to the security forces’ violence;
- Free all political prisoners;
- Hold new free and fair elections.
All these requirements cannot be met with Lukashenka being the head of the State.
BYSOL in Telegram: @BYSOL
Foundation website: