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  • Day of Solidarity with Belarus

    All around the world

    Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya calls on all friends of Belarusians to join the International Day of Solidarity with Belarus on the anniversary of the fraudulent election and our revolution for freedom. You can participate by hosting events, making statements, or posting on social media to express solidarity with Belarusians who have been fighting for freedom and democracy for four years.

    On August 9, 2020, Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya won the people’s presidential election vote. However, dictator Lukashenka declared his own rigged victory with 80% of the vote, leading to peaceful protests that inspired many people worldwide. Despite ongoing harsh crackdowns on activists, civil society, free media, and anti-war protesters, Belarusians continue to fight and risk their safety for basic values.

    This summer also marked 30 years of autocratic rule under Lukashenka. The dictator has brought the country into a political, economic, and social crisis, single-handedly destroyed international partnerships Belarusians had been building, and handed Belarus into the control of another tyrant and war criminal, Putin. However, Lukashenka no longer represents Belarusians.

    Currently, there are more than 1,370 political prisoners in Belarus. In addition, many have already served unjust sentences and are in need of rehabilitation after their release. Behind bars, people suffer inhumane treatment and are denied medical help, visits from their families and lawyers, correspondence, and parcels. 

    Several prominent Belarusians have been held incommunicado for more than 500 days: Maksim Znak, Mikalai Statkevich, Maria Kalesnikava, Ihar Losik Siarhei Tsikhanouski, and Viktar Babaryka. 

    Some political prisoners have critical health conditions, such as brain tumors, stage 4 cancer, disability due to heart disease, etc., yet they serve harsh political sentences. 

    German citizen Rico Krieger was sentenced this June to the death penalty on politically motivated grounds. The youngest political prisoner is Maryia Misiuk, a 16-year-old Ukrainian citizen.

    Belarusians need solidarity and support to continue on the path to freedom. To join the Day of Solidarity with Belarus, you can:

    • Voice Support: Make statements, tweets, and posts on social media to support all Belarusians repressed by the regime.
    • Organize Events: Host public, virtual, or offline events to discuss potential solutions and actions the international community can take.
    • Participate in Pickets: Join or organize solidarity pickets with Belarusians abroad.
    • Display Visual Symbols: Show your support by displaying visual symbols such as graffiti, banners, posters, or hashtags on public transport info-boards. Consider placing flags on administrative buildings.
    • Amplify News: Share news about Belarus using the hashtag #StandWithBelarus.
    • Support Belarusian Military Volunteers: Aid the Kastus Kalinouski regiment of Belarusian military volunteers fighting in Ukraine.
    • Aid Political Prisoners: Parliamentarians can become symbolic godparents for political prisoners using Politzek and Libereco. Visit the website of the Human Rights Center “Viasna” to learn more about political prisoners, or send a letter through the initiative letter.bel, donate to political prisoners, and get a postcard, shopper, T-shirt or mug from the “Freedom Postcards” initiative. Support Belarusians by donating to the funds to help political prisoners and their families – Country for Life, BySol, #BY_help. Support female political prisoners via Politvyazynka or released ones via the initiative Volnyja.
    • Donate to Initiatives: Contribute to foundations raising funds for humanitarian aid, medicines, protective gear, and vehicles to support Ukraine, such as BySol, ByMedSol, Free Belarus Center, Belarusian Youth Hub, Center for Belarusian Solidarity, Belarusian House in Warsaw, and A Country to Live In.
    • Assist Journalists: Provide legal and financial support, help with relocation and accommodation abroad, and support through Media Solidarity Belarus (MediaSol), Reporters Without Borders, and International Media Support (Safety Fund).


    Your involvement makes a significant difference in supporting the fight for freedom and democracy in Belarus. 


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