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  • New Belarus Conference 2024

    We invite representatives of civic initiatives and political bodies, activists, businesspeople, and experts to the Conference to discuss how to make a change. We will look back on the past year, assess our progress and mistakes, and see what we should do next. The future of Belarus depends on our decisions.

    New Belarus Conference documents

    We invite representatives of civil society initiatives, political structures, lawmakers, activists, businessmen and experts to a conference to discuss how to improve the situation. We will analyze the minutes of the year, analyze the trends and trends, and identify ways for further development. The future of Belarus depends on our decisions.

    Event program

    August 3

    August 3

    August 4

    August 4

    Side events [2, 5 August]

    Side events [2, 5 August]

    August 2


    Masterclass: "The Future Today: How to Understand and Work with Youth"


    The masterclass will aim to break stereotypes and improve interactions with youth. It will explore how approaches to youth impact the quality of their participation in social life and politics. The discussion will focus on the impact of linguistics on communication, including youth slang. The event will be based on recommendations from the Council of Europe and will include practical advice for politicians and public figures.


    Moderated by
    Marharyta Vorykhava / Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya’s Advisor on Youth Policy and Students, President of the RADA Youth Council, Member of the Contact Group of the Council of Europe and the Consultative Group between the EU and Belarus’ democratic forces.


    Everyone is welcome to join, listen, and participate in the discussion without prior registration!

    Conference Hall 5.3 of the LitExpo Exhibition Center

    Laisvės pr. 5, Vilnius


    "Belarusian Initiatives and Global Support – How to Build Effective Working Structures Together?"


    The meeting will focus on three key aspects of helping Belarusian political prisoners and strengthening national identity.

    The event will aim to emphasize the importance of consolidating Belarusian initiatives and international support programs to create effective solutions and strengthen cultural identity. It will explore how international cooperation and the exchange of experiences can contribute to more effective assistance and support for Belarusians in difficult times.

    Moderated by

    Irina McLean / Coordinator for Health and Social Care at NHS Research Scotland, People’s Consulate of Belarus in Scotland



    • Volha Zazulinskaya / Human rights defender, Head of A Country to Live in Foundation, Co-organizer of Emergency Humanitarian Aid
    •  Andrei Stryzhak / Head of the BYSOL Solidarity Foundation
    • Alexey Leonchik / Founder and Head of the BY_Help campaign, Co-founder of the BYSOL Foundation and Emergency Humanitarian Aid coalition
    • Maryna Harbuz / A Country to Live in Foundation, marketer, project manager for charitable initiatives
    • Dmitri Vasserman / Representative of the People’s Embassy of Belarus in Sweden
    • Yuliya Yukhno / President of the Talaka Association of Belarusians in Italy, Representative of the People’s Embassy of Belarus in Italy

    Everyone is welcome to join, listen, and participate in the discussion without prior registration!

    Conference Hall 5.3 of the LitExpo Exhibition Center

    Laisvės pr. 5, Vilnius


    "What Can We Do Today to Facilitate Belarusian Education?"


    Education is of strategic importance for social progress. However, the education sector in today’s Belarus cannot keep pace with the modern civilized world. Repression, ideological pressure, and international isolation cause the degradation of educational and scientific institutions.

    What can be done in this context?

    – How can we support teachers, lecturers, and scientists who remain in Belarus? And what prospects do those in exile have?

    – What fields should be prioritized for donor funding in the education sector?

    – What should be done now to prepare for future education reform in Belarus?


    Moderated by

    Tatsiana Shchyttsova / Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya’s Advisor on Education and Science, Dr. habil. in Philosophy, Professor at the European Humanities University


    • Pavel Barkouski / Philosopher, Deputy Representative for National Revival on Education and Science at the United Transitional Cabinet
    • Marharyta Vorykhava / Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya’s Advisor on Youth Policy and Students, Marharyta Vorykhava, President of the RADA Youth Council, Member of the Contact Group of the Council of Europe and the Consultative Group between the EU and Belarus’ democratic forces
    • Aliaksei Kanstantsinau / Head of the project “Octopus: Education for Belarusian Children Today and Tomorrow”
    • Liza Prakopchyk / SALT Program, Clearing House
    • Maryna Sakalova / PhD in History, Education Office for New Belarus, Member of the Board of the Belarusian Association for Education and Science
    • Pavel Tserashkovich / PhD in History, Associate Professor, Chairman of the Belarusian Association for Education and Science


    Everyone is welcome to join, listen, and participate in the discussion without prior registration!

    Conference Hall 5.3 of the LitExpo Exhibition Center

    Laisvės pr. 5,


    Presentation Seminar: "Decolonization" vs "Secondary Colonization". Public Opinion of Ukrainians and Belarusians


    The seminar will feature presentations of two studies:

    • “The Russian World and Belarusian Public Opinion” (Author: Pavel Tserashkovich, Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Chairman of the Belarusian Association of Education and Science)
    • “Public Opinion: What Do Ukrainians Think About Belarusians and Vice Versa?” (Author: Sociologist Philipp Bikanau)


    Moderated by: Expert Vadim Mozheiko

    The authors will present their work, followed by a discussion featuring experts Yevhen Mahda (Politologist) and Roza Turarbekava.


    Everyone is welcome to join, listen, and participate in the discussion without prior registration!

    Conference Hall 5.3 of the LitExpo Exhibition Center

    Laisvės pr. 5, Vilnius


    Representations of Democratic Forces Abroad — Brussels, Kyiv, Prague, Tallinn/Riga


    The mission of Democratic Belarus in Brussels, the mission of Democratic Belarus in Kyiv, the Office of Belarus Democratic Forces in the Czech Republic, and the representative for Estonia and Latvia play an important role in supporting the Belarusian people in their quest for freedom and democracy.

    What functions do the representations perform? How do they protect the rights and interests of Belarusians abroad? What do they do to strengthen international cooperation with the democratic forces of Belarus?

    Moderated by

    Vadim Mozheiko / Expert


    • Vladzimir Astapenka / Head of the Mission for Democratic Belarus in Brussels and Acting Representative for Foreign Affairs of the United Transitional Cabinet
    • Henadzi Manko / Head of the Mission for Democratic Belarus in Kyiv
    • Kryścina Šyjanok / Director of the Office of Belarus Democratic Forces in the Czech Republic
    • Vitaly Malchanau / Representative of Belarus’ democratic forces / (Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya’s Office) for the Estonian Republic and the Republic of Latvia


    Join the presentation to get answers to these questions from the leadership of these four representative offices and ask your own!

    Everyone is welcome to join, listen, and participate in the discussion without prior registration!

    Conference Hall 5.3, LitExpo Exhibition Center

    Laisvės pr. 5, Vilnius

    August 5


    “Breakfast with the People's Embassies”


    At this informal meeting, representatives of the People’s Embassies will speak on the current projects of the initiative, share practical information for Belarusians on solving issues with legal documents, bank accounts, international protection, and other concerns in different countries, and respond to the regime’s propaganda.


    Anyone can join, listen, and participate in the discussion without prior registration!


    Ukmergės g. 219, Vilnius, 

    Conference hall on the second floor


    Participant registration, welcome tea/coffee


    Commencement of the 1st day of the Conference


    Opening remarks, work plan for the day. Presentation of the results of the democratic forces’ activities for 2023-2024



    Opening remarks by the National Leader of Belarus and Head of the United Transitional Cabinet, Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya


    Welcome remarks by the President of the Rada of the Belarusian Democratic Republic, Ivonka Survila


    Panel 1.
    Democratic forces’ responses to key challenges of 2025


    How to overcome the growing divide between Belarusians and the democratic forces, as well as those inside the country and those in exile? “2025 Election”: How to prevent the regime from “turning over the page”? How to defend Belarus’ independence? How to respond to a possible escalation of the war or involvement of the Belarusian army?

    Moderated by:

    Fiodar Pauliuchenka / Chief Editor of Reform.news


    • Franak Viacorka / Chief Advisor to Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya
    • Pavel Latushka / Deputy Head of the United Transitional Cabinet, Head of the National Anti-Crisis Management
    • Anzhalika Melnikava / Speaker of the Coordination Council
    • Stanislava Hlinnik / Vice Speaker of the Coordination Council 
    • Alena Zhyvahlod / Head of the *Honest People NGO
    • Andrei Yahorau / Member of the Coordination Council (Belarusians faction)


    Questions to panelists from the hall and online audience


    Coffee break, networking, short live comments from the participants


    Panel 2.
    More europe for belarusians in 2025


    How to promote the mobility of Belarusians? How to prevent a new Iron Curtain at the border and keep European doors open for Belarusians? What is needed to increase the effectiveness and accessibility of educational programs and professional opportunities for Belarusians? How to counter the increasing orientation of Belarus toward Russia? How to defeat Belarusians’ mindset about “not being welcome in Europe”? How to handle sanctions so that there is more Europe in Belarus? How to draw international attention to Belarus?

    Moderated by:

    Siarhei Pelesa / Journalist, political commentator for Belsat TV, anchorman and Editor of International Broadcasting at Belsat, TVP WORLD, and TVP INFO


    • Vladzimir Astapenka / Head of the Mission for Democratic Belarus in Brussels
    • Valery Matskevich / Politician, Chief of Staff at the United Transitional Cabinet, member of the Coordination Council (one of the leaders of the European Choice faction)
    • Aliaksandra Mamayeva / Coordinator of the People’s Embassies of Belarus, member of the Coordination Council
    • Artur Michalski / Plenipotentiary of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland for cooperation with the democratic forces of Belarus, Polish Ambassador to Belarus from 2018 to 2023
    • Roza Turarbekava / Doctor of History, Associate Professor, Honorary Fellow of the Institute for Global Sustainable Development at the University of Warwick
    • Anatoli Liabedzka / Representative of the political parties’ community, CEO of the European Dialogue Center
    • Aliaksandr Milinkevich / Chancellor of the Free Belarus University, the united democratic forces’ 2006 presidential candidate


    Questions to panelists from the hall and online audience


    Lunch break, networking, short live comments from the participants


    Panel 3.
    Belarus’ economy in 2025. growth or stagnation?


    What disturbs Belarusians: prices, earnings, pensions, shortage of essential goods, healthcare, or other social services? How should a responsible government cope with these challenges? The response of Belarus’ democratic forces. Vision of the New Belarus.


    Moderated by:

    Volha Loika / Journalist, economic commentator



    • Aliaksandr Knyrovich / Entrepreneur, blogger
    • Lev Lvousky / Academic Director at BEROC, Ph.D. in Economics 
    • Alisa Ryzhychenka / Economist
    • Lidziya Tarasenka / Coordinator at the BYMEDSOL Medical Solidarity Foundation, gastroenterologist


    Questions to panelists from the hall and online audience


    Coffee break, networking, short live comments from the participants


    Panel 4.
    Belarusian identity in 2025: how to preserve and strengthen it


    What does it mean to be Belarusian today and what guarantees our identity? How to integrate the study of Belarusian culture, history, and language into Belarusians’ lives and education? How to encourage the creation and promotion of online content in the Belarusian language? How to involve more people in cultural activities and projects? What should be the image of Belarus and Belarusians for us and foreigners?


    Moderated by: 

    Alaksiej Dzikawicki / Journalist, Acting director of Belsat TV



    • Alina Koushyk / Representative for National Revival of the United Transitional Cabinet of Belarus
    • Henadz Korshunau / Senior Researcher at the Center for New Ideas
    • Siarhei Budkin / CEO of the Belarusian Council for Culture, producer, journalist.
    • Natallia Rusetskaya / Representative of the Belarusian Book Institute, literary scholar
    • Paulina Vitushchanka / Curator of the Lutskevich Belarusian Museum in Vilnius
    • Anna Zlatkovskaya / Writer, journalist


    Questions to panelists from the hall and online audience


    Coffee break, networking, short live comments from the participants


    Dialogue. Questions from the hall answered by the National Leader of Belarus and Head of the United Transitional Cabinet, Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya


    Alongside the National Leader, the following speakers will answer questions from the audience:

    • Franak Viacorka / Chief Advisor to Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya
    • Marharyta Vorykhava / Advisor on youth policy and students. President of the BNYC RADA and representative of the AC on Youth in the Council of Europe. Member of the Contact Group of the Council of Europe and the Advisory Council of the European Union on Belarus.
    • Valery Matskevich / Chief of Staff of the United Transitional Cabinet of Belarus
    • Pavel Latushka / Deputy Head of the United Transitional Cabinet of Belarus, Head of the National Anti-Crisis Management
    • Vladzimir Astapenka / Acting Representative for Foreign Affairs of the United Transitional Cabinet of Belarus
    • Volga Garbunova / Representative for Social Policy of the United Transitional Cabinet of Belarus
    • Alina Koushyk / Representative for National Revival of the United Transitional Cabinet of Belarus


    Presentation of Platform 2025 – joint action strategy of the democratic forces for 2025


    Joint signing of Platform 2025


    Conclusion of the 1st day of the Conference


    Participant registration, welcome tea/coffee


    Commencement of the 2nd day of the Conference. Opening remarks, work plan for the day


    Panel 5. Belarusian volunteer fighters and veterans: public opinion and systemic support


    What steps are needed to solve the problems faced by veterans and volunteer fighters? How to change public opinion toward them? How to provide medical, legal, social, and psychological support? Examples of successful international cooperation. Possible partnerships with international organizations. How to unite Belarusians with combat experience into a community capable of actively participating in the liberation of Belarus?


    Moderated by:

    Zmitser Mitskevich / Journalist at Belsat



    • Ihor Kyzym / Ambassador-at-Large of Ukraine for Belarus
    • Andrei Kushniarou / Volunteer fighter in Ukraine
    • Aliaksandr Klachko / Former volunteer fighter of the Volat Battalion of the Kastus Kalinouski Regiment
    • Vadim Kabanchuk / Deputy Commander of the Kastus Kalinouski Regiment


    Questions to panelists from the hall and online audience


    Coffee break, networking, short live comments from the participants


    Panel 6.
    Assistance to political prisoners in 2025: from release to rehabilitation


    Comprehensive assistance programs for political prisoners and released political prisoners. Real opportunities and challenges to work with. Concepts of rehabilitation and resocialization for released political prisoners and how they work in practice. Results of the work on political prisoners within the Strategic Dialogue. Strategy for the release of political prisoners. Outcomes of work in 2024 and plans for 2025.


    Moderated by: 

    Sabina Aliyeva / Journalist, Head of Social Media at Tribuna



    • Volha Zazulinskaya / Human rights defender, head of A Country to Live in Foundation, co-organizer of Emergency Humanitarian Aid 
    • Veranika Stankevich / Project Manager at the Volnyia initiative, activist
    • Leanid Sudalenka / Representative of Viasna, human rights defender, former political prisoner
    • Alexey Leonchik / Founder and Head of the BY_Help campaign, Co-founder of the BYSOL Foundation and Emergency Humanitarian Aid coalition
    • Alana Gebremariam / Former political prisoner, Community Manager at Politzek.me, member of the Coordination Council’s Youth to the Front faction
    • Aliaksandr Kabanau / Member of the Coordination Council’s Volya faction, former political prisoner, blogger, representative of BELPOL

    Presentation of the international humanitarian fund


    What is the international humanitarian fund established in Norway to support political prisoners? How does it differ from other programs? How was it established? How will it help Belarusians?



    • Volha Zazulinskaya / Human rights defender, head of A Country to Live in Foundation, co-organizer of Emergency Humanitarian Aid 
    • Alexey Leonchik / Founder and Head of the BY_Help campaign, Co-founder of the BYSOL Foundation and Emergency Humanitarian Aid coalition


    Questions to panelists from the hall and online audience


    Lunch break, networking, short live comments from the participants


    Panel 7.
    From solidarity to action: why it is important to support each other in crisis moments


    Can the democratic forces take over the functions of supporting vulnerable groups in exile? Can assistance to supporters in difficult moments motivate citizens to potentially take action? How can volunteer and public initiatives contribute to the support of vulnerable groups and strengthen trust in the democratic forces? Are there examples of the democratic forces’ productive support for vulnerable groups – and what can we learn from them? What resources and infrastructure are needed for support, and how can they be developed?


    Moderated by: 

    Iryna McLean / Coordinator for Health and Social Care, NHS Research Scotland



    • Andrei Stryzhak / Head of the BYSOL Solidarity Foundation
    • Dmitri Vasserman / Representative of the People’s Embassy of Belarus in Sweden
    • Violetta Belitskaya / CEO of Razam (Lithuania)
    • Siarhei Drazdouski / Human rights activist, Founder and Director of the Office for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
    • Stanislau Salavei / Deputy Representative for Social Policy of the United Transitional Cabinet
    • Volha Vialichka / Researcher on prison healthcare and psychology, human rights activist, psychologist


    Questions to panelists from the hall and online audience


    Coffee break, networking, short live comments from the participants


    Remarks by the Speaker of the 3rd Coordination Council


    Panel 8. 3rd coordination council: “What can we do for belarus in 2025”


    The panel will allow representatives from various factions to express their visions and plans for reforming and developing the Coordination Council, which will help create a more effective and inclusive structure for achieving democratic changes in Belarus. The moderator will invite speakers to present their opinions on the following issues:

    • What is the Coordination Council in 2025?
    • What plans do each of the Coordination Council factions envision for 2025? 3 key priorities and a vision of how to reflect the needs of Belarusians both in Belarus and in exile.
    • Feedback and questions from the audience on what the Coordination Council should focus on.


    Moderated by:
    Anatoli Liabedzka / Former Member of the Supreme Council of Belarus (1996), Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya’s Advisor for Constitutional Reform and Parliamentary Cooperation


    • Tatsiana Martynava / Journalist, entrepreneur, Leader of the Coordination Council’s No More Fear! faction  
    • Yauhen Karaulau / Leader of the Coordination Council’s Youth to the Front faction, Finance Officer at the Belarusian Students’ Association
    • Maksim Dzenisevich / Speaker of the Coordination Council’s Volya faction  
    • Artur Finkevich / Chairman of the Młoda Białoruś Foundation, member of the Coordination Council (European Choice faction)  
    • Artsiom Brukhan / National Anti-Crisis Management, member of the Coordination Council (Latushka’s Team and Movement for Freedom)
    • Aliaksandr Knyrovich / Economist, show host at Euroradio and Belsat, member of the Coordination Council (Belarusians faction)
    • Andrei Laurukhin / Member of the Coordination Council’s Commission for Education, Science, and Innovation (Our Cause faction)


    Questions from the hall and online audience


    Wrap-up of the Conference and closing remarks by the National Leader of Belarus and Head of the United Transitional Cabinet, Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya