The Belarusian leader arrived in Kaunas, Lithuania, for the first time. At Petrašiūnų Cemetery, Ms. Tsikhanouskaya visited the grave of Klaudziy Duzh-Dusheuski – a prominent Belarusian figure known as the author of the national white-red-white flag. He was also actively involved in philological, journalistic, and literary work. In particular, together with Vaclau Lastouski, he published the magazine “Kryvich” and created many high-quality translations of textbooks on botany, mathematics, and history for Belarusian-speaking schools. Additionally, Duzh-Dusheuski served as a diplomatic representative of the Rada (Council) of the Belarusian Democratic Republic in the Baltic States. Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya honored the memory of the distinguished Belarusian by laying flowers on his grave.
Additionally, the Belarusian leader gave a lecture at Vytautas Magnus University and answered questions from students – from Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Spain, France, Albania, and other countries. The discussion lasted for two hours and focused on security issues, the release of political prisoners, and travel documents for Belarusians.