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  • Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya: “We must stop thinking that everything depends on Russia – we have been in its orbit for too long”

    May 30, 2024

    Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya was interviewed by the Spanish publication El Mundo. She outlined the main priorities of the democratic forces from a strategic perspective.

    Here are some of the most notable quotes from the interview:

    📌 “We must ensure that our democratic coalition has its own strategy. We must stop thinking that everything depends on Russia – we have been in its orbit for too long”.

    📌 “Over the past few years, we have established many contacts, and political leaders from various countries trust us. But we have this trust upfront, there is a lot of work ahead. Rebuilding the country is a priority, after which we will have to revive the economy. I feel the support so I will keep working as long as my country and my people need me”.

    📌 “We are not on the front pages of the media because there are other priorities on the agenda. We are aware of this, and we must be persistent and consistent in reminding the world of what is happening and knocking on all possible doors”.

    📌 “Appeasing and attempting to re-educate the dictators or befriend the regimes does not work to facilitate changes. They do not play by the same rules. Policies based on prioritizing business over values have led us to the situation we have now”.

    📌 “It may seem glamorous or exciting to be a politician in a democratic country where the rule of law prevails. But when you face constant threats and feel constant pain, it becomes difficult. Nevertheless, we must continue”.

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