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  • Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya: “Independence begins with each of us taking responsibility for our future”

    July 27, 2024

    Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya: “34 years ago, Belarus adopted its Declaration of State Sovereignty. This holiday is not marked on the calendar. But in my view, what happened on July 27, 1990, is a key milestone in the country’s history. The decision made in Minsk formalized our aspiration for freedom and independence.

    The path to this dream was long and full of challenges. We remember Kastus Kalinouski, who gave his life for our freedom, and the participants of the Slutsk Uprising, who sacrificed themselves to defend the independence of the Belarusian Democratic Republic. We honor those who preserved our identity and history during the 1930s, despite relentless repression and violence. We tell our children about those who kept Belarusian culture and language alive — Kupalа, Kolаs, Bahdanovіch, Charot, Karatkievіch, Bykau… It is crucial for us not to let these names disappear from textbooks and public memory — this too is part of the daily struggle for independence.

    Independence is also about:

    – Freedom of thought, expression, and identity in practice, not just in official documents and laws;

    – Our desire to live in harmony with ourselves and the world around us, respecting the dignity and rights of each other;

    – Our self-determined choice of our own, independent path and good relations with our neighbors.

    But the most important thing is that true independence begins with each of us. It begins as soon as we take responsibility for our future and choose to be open and just. When we understand that our future consists of concrete actions and daily decisions, not just the pages of history books.

    And now is the time to make these actions and decisions. Just like Ales Bialiatski or Marfa Rabkova, who chose the path of defending the rights and freedoms of Belarusians. Or like Katsiaryna Andreyeva, who brought the truth to people despite all the resistance from propaganda.

    I am confident that our decisions will be the right ones because we have a clear goal and wonderful examples to follow. So today’s date will undoubtedly become a true national holiday.

    Congratulations, dear Belarusians!”

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