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- International opportunities
Dear readers! Please note that a separate supplement Support 2023 provides an overview of the ongoing forms of international assistance and support for Belarusian students, teachers and scientists. The overview does not duplicate the opportunities included in this release.
– The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI, Italy) announced its initiative to provide grants for study programs at all levels and research programs in public or officially recognized Italian educational institutions, as well as for teaching Italian language courses. Grants will be awarded for a study period of 6 or 9 months. The application deadline is June 9, 2023.
– The International Excellence Scholarship Program (IES) provides an opportunity for motivated students under the age of 28 in all fields of study from Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia with above-average grades to spend a semester abroad in Berlin. This program gives students the opportunity to deepen their knowledge at the best German universities (HU Berlin, FU Berlin, HWR Berlin, University of Potsdam). During the 6-month stay, the fellows actively participate in the life of the association. As part of the program, the organization Copernicus Berlin e.V. offers different forms of financing. The application deadline for the next summer semester is June 30, 2023.
– The Department of Eastern Europe at the University of Warsaw has announced a competition for the best dissertation in the field of humanities and social sciences, dedicated to the problem of borders in the 20th century between Poland and neighboring countries. Participation in the competition is open to doctoral students from various countries, including Belarus, subject to the submission of a dissertation defended at a Polish university no earlier than 3 years before the announcement of the competition. The selection of participants is carried out in three stages, the results of the competition will be announced on September 1. The winner will receive the first prize of PLN 25,000, as well as the opportunity to publish their work. A complete list of conditions and requirements for participation can be found here. Applications are accepted until June 30, 2023.
– BEROC invites Belarusian students and recent graduates (aged 18-25) interested in economic research to take part in a new BEROC Research Lab project. Applicants must have the following knowledge and skills: have basic knowledge in economics; be interested in conducting economic research; be able to work with data; have basic skills in statistics. Knowledge of English, as well as knowledge of at least one programming language (R, Matlab, Stata, SaS, Python) can be an additional advantage. The application deadline for the next summer semester is June 10, 2023.
– The Ian Ramsey Center for Science and Religion at the University of Oxford, the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Warsaw and the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Zagreb are inviting applications for the New Generation Research Project Exchange Program. The exchange program will provide young scholars (undergraduate students in their penultimate year or first year of PhD) from Central and Eastern Europe working at the intersection of science, theology and philosophy with the opportunity to participate in three fully funded master classes to be held at Warsaw University, the University of Zagreb and the University of Oxford. The program covers all expenses connected with participation in master classes. The application deadline for the next summer semester is July 28, 2023.
– The Government of the Slovak Republic, within the framework of the National Scholarship Program for foreign students, graduate students, university professors, researchers and artists, has opened the acceptance of applications for internships in educational institutions in Slovakia. The application deadline for the next summer semester is October 30, 2023.
– The European Union, within the framework of the EU4Belarus program, is implementing a grant program to support advanced training and training SALT (Support for Advanced Learning and Training) for Belarusian scientists, Belarusian teachers, scientists and graduate students in higher educational institutions and research institutions of the EU. The minimum grant amount is 5,855 euro (3 months), the maximum is 11,435 euro (6 months). The program also provides: a monthly stipend of €1,860 for a maximum of 6 months to cover living expenses in the host country, as well as travel reimbursement of up to €275 for a return international trip to/from the country of residence and the country of the host institution. The deadline for applying is June 30, 2023.
– The Konrad Adenauer Foundation provides scholarships for Master's and PhD programs. The Foundation provides a monthly scholarship for undergraduate students in the amount of 861 euro, for graduate students — 1200 euro, as well as reimbursement for medical insurance, family and child allowance. The application deadline is July 15, 2023.
– The Helmut-Schmidt-Programme offers scholarships for the Master's program in Public Policy and Good Governance. Students will receive a monthly stipend of 934 euro per month, and also cover the cost of medical insurance, travel to the place of study, the cost of taking German courses. The application deadline is July 31, 2023.
– The Center for Advanced Studies in Sofia (CAS Sofia) has announced the call for applications for scholarships 2023-2024 from the Gerda Henkel Foundation for basic research in the social sciences and humanities. The duration of the scholarship program is 5 months. Applicants will be offered a monthly stipend of €850 (taxed at 10%) to cover living expenses. It is also possible to cover travel expenses from the country of residence to Sofia and back, visa and insurance costs (up to 800 euro); expenses for a scientific trip abroad during the internship period — up to 1200 euro (one-time allowance) and research costs (100 euro per month). To participate in the program, you must have a PhD degree and be fluent in English. The deadline for applying for the summer semester is July 31, 2023.
– The European Union, within the framework of the EU4Belarus — SALT-II (Support for Advanced learning and training) program, announces the acceptance of applications for financial support in the amount of up to 1,450 euro for studying one of the European languages (at the applicant's choice) and passing an exam on it. The program is intended for Belarusian students-political prisoners. More details about the criteria for selecting participants and the conditions of the program can be found on the organizer's website.
- Civil Society and Education
– On June 3, the conference «I International Day of Belarusian Education» will be held in Bialystok. The event is dedicated to the topic of teaching the Belarusian language and pedagogical workshops among the Belarusian national minority in Poland and in emigration. Participation is free, pre-registration is required. The conference program includes speeches, lectures, discussions, exhibitions and school presentations. The organizers invite teachers, educators, group leaders and founders of weekend schools with the Belarusian language of instruction in Warsaw and other cities of Poland to take part.
– The European Humanities University (Vilnius, Lithuania) announces a competition for the position of Deputy Rector for Academic Affairs. The candidate selected for this role will be entrusted with the leadership of the academic sphere of the university, the development of educational policy and academic programs. The Deputy Principal will be responsible for quality assurance, staff development, program management and teaching improvement, and will be associated with processes designed to help students successfully adapt and succeed in the educational process. This is a unique opportunity for candidates with relevant experience and qualifications to take part in the management and development of a prestigious university. Applications for the vacancy are accepted until June 15, 2023. Additional information and a list of requirements for candidates can be found here.
– Journal «Culture. Nation» presented the 31st issue and is available in PDF format on the official website of the publication. This issue contains 23 author's materials devoted to various aspects of the culture and traditions of the Belarusian nation. Since 2012, the editorial staff of the journal has been actively working on the creation of original analytical articles, essays and contributes to discussions, as well as publishes expert comments in various fields, including history, language, literature, sociology and other issues related to the development of national consciousness and identity. The editors are currently actively preparing for the release of the next issue, which is scheduled for November 2023, and invites authors to cooperate.
– The Belarusian House of Human Rights named after Barys Zvozski and the Belarusian National Youth Council «RADA» announced the launch of an internship program for Belarusian social activists. The program offers an opportunity to get acquainted with the successful experience of organizations in Lithuania, Poland and Georgia, as well as rethink the activities of activists. The internship will run from August 1 to October 30, 2023. Participants will be reimbursed for accommodation, meals, transportation and other necessary expenses. Applications are accepted until June 15, 2023.
- Repressions
– On May 17, at the Academy of Sciences, the security forces detained Alena Anisim, a linguist, an expert at Yakub Kolas Institute of Linguistics, a public figure. It is currently unknown where Anisim was taken and what she has been charged with. On the eve of this detention, propagandist Olga Bondar called for «raiding the National Academy of Sciences.» Alena Anisim was a member of the House of Representatives from 2016 to 2019, she worked in the Standing Committee on Education, Culture and Science. She also headed the “Belarusian Language Association” from 2017 until the liquidation of the organization in 2021 by decision of the authorities.
– On May 18, the media reported the arrest of singer Patrycyja Svitsina. In 2020, she publicly spoke out against violence and turned down a presidential scholarship for talented youth. The article on which Svitina was detained was not officially indicated. In a video posted on a pro-government Telegram channel, she is accused of participating in the 2020 protests, as well as spreading «negative messages» against law enforcement agencies and the military. As evidence, the video contains screenshots from the social networks of the detainee.
– The demonstrative detention took place in the Vysokovsky Agrarian College of the Brest Region. In the presence of classmates, two students were detained on suspicion of violating Article 370 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus (insulting state symbols). The name of one of the detainees became known to human rights activists: it is 19-year-old Jelisei Kuzniatsou, a former political prisoner. In November 2021, he was sentenced to 2.5 years of “home arrest”, in April 2022 the preventive measure was worsened, and Jelisei was transferred to Navapolatsk Colony No. 1. Here he served time and was released in December of the same year.
– On May 23, a “repentant video” with a 3rd year student was published on the official Instagram account of the Faculty of Law of the Belarusian State University. In the recording, the young man admits that he allegedly spread «defamatory information about the administration and the Belarusian Republican Youth Union.» Lawyer Maryia Kalesava-Hudzilina drew attention to the fact that actions related to such filming fall under Art. 426 of the Criminal Code (a crime against humanity committed by a representative of the state). According to her, this is a gross violation of the presumption of innocence, when a person is forced to non-procedurally confess to having committed prohibited acts.
– Several employees of the Polatsk State University were detained by security forces on May 23. Among them are Alena Khramtsova, lecturer at the Department of World Literature and Foreign Languages, Viktar Chereuko, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of History and Tourism, and Ksenia Zueva, an employee of the repository. It is known that Alena Khramtsova was charged with Article 19.11 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (dissemination of extremist information) for subscribing to the TG-channel Belarus’ brain, and she was also declared a witness in a criminal case. Ksenia Zueva was fined 2,220 Belarusian rubles for picketing. Another detained employee of the university, business manager of the dean's office, Katsiaryna Shvaliuha, received a fine of 1,110 Belarusian rubles. 73-year-old Halina Sharahlazava, Candidate of Technical Science and Associate Professor of the Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation Systems, was sentenced by the court to 10 days in prison.
– According to human rights activists, Andrei Bakhanau, master of sociological sciences, was detained on May 24. The scientist was detained under an administrative article «for hooliganism.» The Institute of Sociology and the press service of the National Academy of Sciences said that they had no information about Bakhanau's arrest.
– On May 25, the court passed sentences on Belarusian teacher and head of the 100 points tutoring center Jauhen Liviant and members of his family. All of them were found guilty under article 342 of the Criminal Code for organizing and preparing actions and sentenced to various terms of “home arrest”. As part of this case, the co-owner of the tutoring center Aliaksei Ivanou and Aliaksandra Vilchytskaia were also convicted.
– Another sociologist, Professor Yury Bubnov, was found guilty by the court on two criminal articles — 367 and 368 (slander and insult of Lukashenka) and sentenced on May 27 to two years in prison. The scientist pleaded not guilty.
– On May 29, it became known about the detention of the director of secondary school No. 2 in the city of Vaukavysk, Aliksandar Botsko. At the moment, the reasons for his detention and whereabouts are unknown.
- Regime policy
– On May 16, amendments to the law “On military duty and military service” came into force in Belarus. Important changes apply to students: the deferment of service for students studying abroad has been canceled, with the exception of students studying in the direction of the republican government bodies within the framework of state programs. The law also states that the deferment will be granted to students who, at the time the law came into force, were already studying abroad in educational institutions full-time and enrolled in these institutions under the age of 18.
– At the meeting on healthcare, Alexander Lukashenka demanded to strengthen control over the work of targeted medical workers. According to him, it is necessary to do everything possible to retain personnel in the regions. Lukashenka stressed that the state spends «colossal money» on the training of doctors and nurses. And in his opinion, graduates should work out the distribution for five years.
– The Ministry of Education sent a document to M. Tank Belarusian State Pedagogical University, stating that some topics of term papers and diploma papers chosen by students and graduate students contradict «national traditional values and guidelines of the Belarusian people in the field of sexual education of young people.» The document, signed by Deputy Minister of Education Aliksandr Kadlubai, contains a recommendation to control the choice of topics in order to “prevent changing the concepts of “marriage” and “family”, which are protected in the Constitution”, as well as to prevent the promotion of same-sex marriage and transgender changes. The representative of the Ministry of Education confirmed that the document was sent to all educational institutions and explained how the coordination of the selected topics should take place.
– It is planned to create a center for patriotic education and a museum exposition in the Babruisk fortress with funding from the budget of the Union State of Belarus and Russia. The reconstruction concept is being developed by the Bel-state-projekt Institute. It is assumed that the center and exposition will be located on the site of the former camp for Soviet prisoners of war, known as «Stalag No. 131». The authorities are also planning to restore the reduit, restore the Minsk gates and defensive ramparts, and improve the territory.
– The head of Lukashenka’s Administration, Ihar Siarheenka, expressed dissatisfaction with the role and status of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union (BRSM) in universities, arguing that neither the university administration nor the students themselves consider it a leading public organization. He also criticized students for «insufficient patriotism», citing research data, according to which only 15.6% of young people called «love for the Motherland» an important value for themselves. Siarheenka pointed to the problem of the lack of a single ideological vertical in universities, where the responsibility for organizing such work often falls on ordinary teachers. He also emphasized the negative impact of Internet technologies, social networks and telegram channels on the worldview of students who disseminate information that «is destructive, , instilling in young people values that are alien to us, giving rise to a negative attitude towards society and the state.»
– According to the order of the rector of one of the Belarusian universities, teachers-curators are now required to monitor the activity of students of I-III courses in social networks and chats. Every month they need to compile reports in the form of a specially designed table, where, among other things, curators must note the presence of «extremist information» on the social networks of students.
– The Telegram channel “Belarus’ Brain” has published a list of propaganda films shown in schools. The list was sent to the editors of the channel by one of the subscribers. The list includes the documentary series «Without a statute of limitations» about the genocide of the Belarusian people, as well as a number of documentary works by BT and ONT («Operation Mankurt», «Country for Terror», «BYE-BYE, TUTBAY», etc.).
– The head of the Lukashenka Administration, Ihar Siarheenka, expressed his opinion on who should be considered a national hero of Belarus and who should not. According to him, a national hero is one who is ready to show courage, sacrifice himself, defending his homeland and people. At the same time, Siarheenka noted that clear criteria are needed for «the formation of a pantheon of national heroes.» As an example of a «contradictory character» and how «a falsified image of a national hero is equally capable of both uniting and splitting society», the official cited the names of Kastsiushka and Kalinouski.