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  • Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya: “Siarhei Tsikhanouski is being transferred from colony to prison for three years”

    August 11, 2022

    Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya: “Siarhei Tsikhanouski is being sent from colony to prison for three years – transferred to a prison regime, as they call it. I know neither the reasons for this decision, nor where he will be transferred. 

    Dear Siarhei, I wish you knew how much I am looking forward to the moment to hear what’s new from you personally again – not along with the whole country through lawyers and human rights defenders! And now, as I promised, I'm sharing your poem with everyone. You wrote it, knowing beforehand that you would be transferred to prison. I am publishing it, knowing in advance that Belarusians’ hearts are with you. As mine is with you, today and always.

    • Read Siarhei’s poem in Russian below. It describes what being in prison feels like and expresses hope for a free Belarus. “Let the walls fall down, the fear gone, the evil gone. Like a dream, let the country of slaves be a thing of the past.”

    «Ни воздуха нет, ни тепла, лишь тишина,
    Пронзаемая нередко грубым криком.
    И опьянеть легко здесь можно без вина
    В зловонной клетке я, как зверь, а дверь закрыта.

    Мне не дают опять уснуть мои друзья:
    Холод и сырость, яркий свет и звон в ушах.
    На трех квадратных метрах обитаю я,
    Но не один – с тобой я в четырех стенах.

    Вот и настало время нам с тобой поговорить.
    Гляди, не раздеваясь, сплю я на полу.
    Но не об этом я хочу тебя просить
    Ты знаешь, что за Беларусь тебя молю.

    Пусть стены рухнут, страх уйдет, исчезнет зло.
    Как сон пусть в прошлое уйдет страна рабов».

    If you want to follow updates about Siarhei Tsikhanouski, see Siarhei's A Prison to Live in channel. He would appreciate it. For English, you may use Telegram’s built-in translation tool: https://t.me/strana_turma

    Photo by Pavel Kritchko
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