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  • Actions of democratic forces to restore the rule of law and end impunity in Belarus

    June 03, 2021

    Tens of thousands of peaceful Belarusians were arrested, thousands tortured, hundreds imprisoned, and several killed. All this is because people peacefully demanded Lukashenka accept the result of the presidential elections and respect the will of the people. Now, Belarusians could not find justice in their country. Many had been forced to leave Belarus under the threat of repressions. Several initiatives were currently in place to halt repression in Belarus and bring the perpetrators to justice. 

    – Lithuania and Poland have instituted criminal proceedings under universal jurisdiction. Around 20 people who had suffered tortures in Belarus have already been recognized as victims. In the course of the proceedings that have been initiated, evidence is gathered, the culprits are identified, and an increase in the number of victims is being reported. A similar case has already been initiated in the Czech Republic.  

    – International Platform for Accountability (IAPB) was launched. A special United Nations mechanism has already been set up to document violations and crimes of the regime. The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has appointed three international experts to gather evidence of the regime’s crimes.

    – An investigation has been initiated in Germany into mass tortures and other mass violations of human rights in Belarus, including former President Aliaksandr Lukashenka as the organizer of the repressions. 

    The Valery Tsepkalo Foundation has begun to collect funds for the arrest of Lukashenka, who has committed a number of particularly serious crimes on the territory of the Republic of Belarus. 

    – In the Netherlands, lawyers have begun to collect evidence of crimes against civilians in Belarus to enable the case to be tried before the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

    Unfortunately, there was no law in Belarus at present, and people were seeking justice abroad. But we are sure that all the evidence gathered will be the basis for bringing to justice the organizers and perpetrators of repressions in Belarus.

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