Valery Kavaleuski, Deputy Head of the United Transitional Cabinet, commented on the legal amendments enabling the regime to revoke the citizenship of Belarusians on political grounds:
“Revoking citizenship, which everyone has by the right of birth, is a cynical act of lawlessness that contradicts the Constitution and Belarus’ international commitments. This came as a shock for Belarusians and the entire civilized world. For Belarusian and international justice, this illegal act will be an important proof that those responsible for the establishment of the dictatorship, political repression of Belarusians and gross violations of basic human rights are guilty. Suffice it to recall that people were deprived of their citizenship, given by birthright, in Nazi Germany. And this resemblance speaks volumes, and specifically about where representatives of this regime can and should end up.
A major objective of our efforts in the international arena is to enable Belarusians to have an appropriate legal status, confirmed by a document of the appropriate type, regardless of the insane steps the regime makes. We will press for non-recognition of such decisions made by the illegitimate authorities and solution of practical aspects potentially faced by Belarusian citizens abroad”.