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  • Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya: “We can’t make the change in isolation from the rest of Europe”

    March 27, 2024

    Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya gave speech to the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the CoE: 

    “Dear President Marc Cools,

    Dear Vice-President Bernd Vöhringer,

    Dear Congress,

    Thank you for the warm welcome today. I feel that I am among friends here. 

    Friends who share the same values, and same vision of a peaceful and democratic Europe. Friends who believe in democracy, who believe in rule of law, and first of all – believe in the power of people.

    The power of people is exactly what makes Europe so attractive and so successful, and so different from tyranny, like the one in Belarus.

    In Belarus, no one is asking people what they want, how they want to live, where they want to spend their money, where they want their kids to study. 

    I was at the age of my son, when Lukashenka came to power. And I remember the main rule we were taught in schools: don’t stick out. Sit silent. There are smart people who will decide for you” – they say. 

    And this is exactly how dictatorship is growing. When people are passive, when laws are not working, and some “smart people” that you never heard and saw – decide on your future.

    After 2020, when our revolution in Belarus has sparked, we will never be silent anymore. Belarusians felt their power, and the power of self organization. 

    People got enough of tyranny and oppression. We demanded the right to live in a country governed by the rule of law, not by the whim of a dictator.

    It was a revolution, when our self-government was born. Our revolution was not only peaceful but also grassroot. Led by ordinary people, not politicians.

    The regime hoped that by getting rid of the political leaders, it would stop the protest. Some political leaders, like my husband, were jailed. Others were forced into exile. But you know what? The protests continued, and grew.

    People self-organized through thousands of local chats. The KGB was desperate, trying to understand what’s going on, and who is behind the protests.

    The only thing they could do – was to intensify repressions. Thousands got jailed, injured, or tortured. People started to organize themselves in local communities to help each other. They organized the system of medical and legal assistance. They created the system of crowdfunding to support those in need. 

    Those who had to flee repressions to other countries, self-organized in diaspora groups. Some of them are helping the victims of repressions in Belarus. Some of them are supporting Ukrainians fighting for freedom. 

    Some diaspora groups self-organized in the People’s Embassies – advocating the interests of Belarusians abroad before governments and local authorities.

    This revolution taught our people to be self-sufficient, brave, and take responsibility – for their own future and their own communities.

    Our revolution, which is still ongoing, laid the foundation of a new democratic system, in the center of which are the people. 

    Now, we clearly realize what change in Belarus we are fighting for. 

    We fight for Belarus where the government is accountable. Where people are self-organized, make collective decisions, and take responsibility for these decisions. Where every individual is respected, and laws are working.

    We also realized that we can’t make this change without dismantling the criminal dictatorial regime. While our country is seized by an illegitimate dictator, the potential of our people can’t be fully realized. 

    We can’t make this change while Russian boots are on our territory. Because Putin’s Russia and democratic principles are incompatible. Under Russia, you won’t have neither freedom, nor peace, nor future.

    We can’t make this change in isolation from the rest of Europe. 

    It’s such a shame, that for so many years Belarus remained the black spot on the map of the Council of Europe. Participation in the Council of Europe and European Union would guarantee the rule of law, peace, and democratic principles.

    Yes, we can’t make this change now. And we don’t know how long it will take. But we can be prepared for the new window of opportunity when it opens. Therefore, we already started to prepare the set of reforms and drafted the new Constitution. Constitution that will guarantee that the dictatorship in Belarus will never repeat itself.

    We realized that we can’t make this change alone. The solidarity and support from the international community, particularly from our European neighbors, is absolutely essential. 

    And you, as representatives of local and regional authorities, can play an essential role in this change as well. Therefore, I came today to you with four practical requests:

    Number one. Help us to prepare the reform of self-governance. In New Belarus, we see self-government as a key mechanism of checks and balances. We already drafted the law on self-government and added special paragraphs in the Constitution of New Belarus. Our goal is to decentralize governance, and give more power to local communities. 

    We would deeply appreciate if the Congress could assist us with its legal expertise and best practices. We want to learn from you what works, and what doesn’t. It would set a solid foundation for our democratic future. 

    Number two. Launch the rehabilitation programs for children of repressed, former political prisoners. As we speak, at least 1500 political prisoners are behind bars in Belarus. Among them are artists, journalists, activists – the heart and soul of our country. 

    Unfortunately, we don’t have keys to prisons, but we can help their families. Also we can help those, who served their sentences and are in dire condition.

    And I know that some of you are giving this help already: in Italy, Norway, Spain, Poland and Czech Republic. I want to thank Ilaria Bugetti from Toscana region, and Luca Zaia from Veneto for accepting Belarusian kids. 

    Such programs not only heal our children, but also send a strong message to Belarusians: You are not alone in your fight. We stand by you and your families. 

    As an example, we can use the Chernobyl programs, when thousands of kids from Belarus and Ukraine were able to travel to Western Europe, restore health and rehabilitate. Myself, I was a participant of such a program in Ireland when I was a kid. It changed my life and shaped me as a personality.

    Such programs can be arranged in collaboration between the Congress, local municipalities, and Belarusian diaspora. 

    Speaking about repressed, we should not forget about Belarusian veterans of the war in Ukraine. As you know, thousands of Belarusians have been fighting for Ukraine since 2014, when Russia first invaded Ukraine. Many of them need rehabilitation, psychological and medical aid. They count on us. And they count on you.

    Number three. Organize scholarships, fellowships, and internships for Belarusians. When changes start, they happen quickly. We need people who will conduct reforms, and will take responsibility for their country and their communities. Invite Belarusian diaspora activists to shadow your work, and to learn how self-governance and local democracy work in practice. Include Belarusians in your local events, conferences, academic and cultural exchanges. Show that you distinguish the Belarus regime, which became a co-aggressor, and the Belarusian people, bravely fighting for freedom and future, European future.

    Number four. Endorse European perspective for Belarus, Ukraine, and Moldova. While Ukraine and Moldova already made huge steps in this direction, we, Belarusians, are at the very beginning. I call on the Congress, mayors and local government leaders, to become part of a broad international coalition for the integration of Belarus into the European Union. We must return our country to Europe where it historically belongs. 

    For us, European perspective is not just a whim. It’s the matter of survival of Belarus as a nation. It is the only alternative to “Russian world”. Only within the European Union will Belarus be able to reveal its true potential. 

    For the people of Belarus, the road to Europe goes through Strasbourg. I believe that the Council of Europe is key for the democratic future of Belarus, and the first step to the European Union.

    In 2022, with General Secretary Marija Buric, we established the Contact Group with democratic Belarus. It was truly a historic decision. Never in the history of the Council of Europe was the state not represented by a formal government, but by a democratic movement.

    The Council of Europe is a community of values we all share, and we want to be part of this community. Cooperation with the Council of Europe is helping us to build strong democratic institutions and active civil society.

    Now I ask your Congress to follow that example and start cooperation with democratic Belarus. As I always say, we live in unprecedented times, and such times need unprecedented solutions. 

    We already have a list of things that can be done together, not waiting for the collapse of a dictatorial regime. 

    Dear friends,

    I believe that together we can make a difference. Together, we can build Europe free of tyranny, of war and oppression. Where people decide themselves on their future.

    Together, we can help Ukraine to win this war and release Belarus from the claws of tyranny. 

    Your support for free Belarus, and for the victory of Ukraine – is your investment in the peace and stability of the entire continent. 

    I extend my deepest gratitude to this Congress, to every city, every region that has stood with Belarus. Your support, your solidarity, and your commitment to our cause will not be forgotten.

    Thank you. Long live Belarus! Long live Europe!”

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