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  • Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya calls to join the Day of Solidarity with Belarus on November 12, 2023

    October 19, 2023

    Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya invites you to join the International Day of Solidarity with Belarus on November 12. On this day, you can organize events, make statements, express you solidarity with political prisoners and those who fight for free and independent Belarus.

    • Why November 12?

    This day marks a dark chapter in Belarus's recent history. On November 12, 2020, Minsk-resident Raman Bandarenka suffered brutality at the hands of the regime’s security forces, leading to his tragic death.

    The area near Raman's apartment building, dubbed “Square of Changes” (Ploscha Peramien), became emblematic during the protests against the falsified 2020 elections. Here, a famous protest mural was continuously resurrected by locals despite the regime's efforts to erase it. 

    The square was also often covered with red and white ribbons, symbolizing the colors of the flag of free Belarus. In the evening of November 11, masked regime thugs arrived to cut down the ribbons. 

    Raman sent a final message that later became a slogan for the protests – “I’m going out” – and went to the square to witness their actions.

    Here, he was attacked by the regime’s thugs, beaten and taken to the local police station. The next day, he died in the hospital after undergoing emergency surgery. His death was never investigated and no one was charged.

    In the wake of this, on the night of November 12, the Square of Changes became a beacon for thousands expressing their outrage. A protest march bearing the slogan “I’m going out” was held three days later, only to be met with violence by the regime.

    Journalists Katsyaryna Andreeva and Darya Chultsova covered the event live and were arrested on the Square of Changes. Katsyaryna Andreeva is still held as a political prisoner.

    Currently, there are more than 1,500 political prisoners in Belarus, and the state continues its terror against the country's citizens. Every day, up to 20 people are being detained for political reasons. These prisoners endure appalling conditions, isolated from legal counsel and loved ones. Many are in critical health, with some already succumbing to the regime's cruelty.

    This November 12, Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya urges you to stand in unity. Let's ensure the voices of Belarus's political prisoners are heard globally. Show your solidarity – raise awareness, engage in or initiate an event, pen letters to political prisoners, or donate in support of the repressed.

    • How to join the International Day of Solidarity:

    – Make statement, tweet, post on social media in support of Belarus' sovereignty and independence, but also those who struggle against oppressive regime of Lukashenka.

    – Organize public, virtual, or offline events on Belarus, discussing possible solutions and what the international community can do. 

    – Belarusians abroad can hold solidarity pickets on this day.

    – Organize the appearance of visual symbols of support for Belarus #StandWithBelarus in your cities. It can be graffiti, banners, posters, hashtags on public transport info-boards, or placing flags on administrative buildings.

    – You can also help by sharing news about Belarus on social media using the hashtag #StandWithBelarus.

    – Support the Kastus Kalinouski regiment of Belarusian military volunteers fighting in Ukraine.

    – Donate to foundations that raise funds and humanitarian aid, purchase medicines, protective gear, and vehicles for Ukraine's speedy victory. These are foundations and initiatives: BySol, ByMedSol, Free Belarus CenterBelarusian Youth Hub, Center for Belarusian Solidarity, Belarusian House in Warsaw, Country for Life.

    – Solidarity with political prisoners and their families: Parliamentarians from different countries can become symbolic godparents for political prisoner, using Politzek and Libereco. Write letters to political prisoners in Belarus. Visit the website of the Human Rights Center “Viasna” to learn more about political prisoners, or send a letter through the initiative letter.bel, donate to political prisoners, and get a postcard, shopper, T-shirt or mug from the “Freedom Postcards” initiative. Support Belarusians by donating to the funds to help political prisoners and their families – Country for Life, BySol, #BY_help.

    – Emergency assistance to journalists: legal and financial support, assistance in moving and staying abroad; support through Media Solidarity Belarus (MediaSol), Reporters Without Borders, International Media Support (Safety Fund).

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