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  • Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya: “Yet again Belarusians prove that in times of disaster, we are stronger than state institutions”

    July 15, 2024

    Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya thanked Belarusians for their solidarity in dealing with the aftermath of the hurricane:

    “A terrible hurricane has struck Belarus. Six people died, including two children. Such a tragic loss. Let me offer my deepest condolences to their families and loved ones…

    Many people in southern Belarus have been left without water and electricity for an extended period. I know this has affected Mazyr – a lovely town where Siarhei and I spent several years. It is hard to imagine that a regional center with 100,000 people could find itself in such a challenging situation for three days.

    My thoughts are with all those affected by this disaster.

    Belarusians know well what mutual assistance means – we have dealt with hardships in this way many times before. Your solidarity is evident in this terrible tragedy – you rushed to help the victims and assisted those caught in the storm’s center. The regime’s policies have led to a lack of resources to quickly address the aftermath. But I see how you continue to unite to save not only people but even animals.

    Yet again Belarusians prove that in times of disaster, we are stronger than state institutions. Let me thank everyone who did not remain indifferent to the tragedy and extended a helping hand in this emergency.

    Dear friends, extreme weather is expected to continue in Belarus for several more days. Please be cautious and take care of yourselves and your children”.

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