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  • “Victory does not come out of nowhere, and unity does not happen without teamwork”. Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya launched New Belarus Conference 2024

    August 03, 2024

    Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya delivered opening remarks at the New Belarus Conference 2024. She called for unity and mutual support in the fight for Belarus’ freedom.

    The Belarusian leader highlighted that only through joint efforts can the democratic forces fight the regime and achieve justice as unity is key to success. Ms. Tsikhanouskaya urged the participants to avoid fatigue and keep moving forward, noting that “every action matters”. This was the key message in her speech:

    Dear friends, colleagues!

    Greetings to all participants of the New Belarus Conference 2024!

    Let me greet representatives of independent media and NGOs, activists and experts, volunteers and bloggers, like-minded people, and dear colleagues.

    Let me greet the distinguished diplomats, ambassadors, representatives of Lithuania and the European Union, our dear international partners.

    Let me greet the representatives of the independent democratic movement – everyone who cares about the fate of Belarus and Belarusians. And I am also happy to see our viewers who joined us live and online.

    As I look into the hall and see your eyes, I know that there is no one here who is against Belarus. There is not a single person here who does not want freedom for our country.

    I know it’s hard for you. It’s hard for me too. But I also know that you don’t stop. Neither do I. I don’t stop. And today my most important word for you is “Thank you!”

    When I was preparing for today’s speech, I tried to look at how much we have done together during this time, during this political year, and, frankly, I was impressed.

    Let me emphasize. We succeeded only because we supported each other. And we did this work together. It is clear that not everything was a success. But what we managed to do is definitely quite a lot.

    Today, there are many people among us who can be role models and inspire us.

    People like Volha Harbunova and her team, who launched the One Contact service.

    People like Pavel Sapelka and Ekaterina Deikalo, who, with the Viasna team and the Belarusian Helsinki Committee, help the repressed.

    People like Tatsiana Hatsura-Yavorskaya, who launched and manages the rehabilitation center Lanka.

    People like Volha Zazulinskaya, Andrei Stryzhak, or Aleksei Leonchik, who launched the Emergency Humanitarian Aid Service.

    People like Alesya Bunevich or Asya Bulybenka, political prisoners who immediately joined our efforts after release.

    People like Irina McLean, Aliaksandra Mamayeva, Dmitri Vasserman, and other representatives of the People’s Embassies who launched the Pashpart.org project and help Belarusians who find themselves in exile or without legal documents.

    People like Alina Koushyk or Siarhei Budkin, who represent Belarusian culture.

    Or Natallia Zadziarkouskaya, who launched the Free Belarus Museum in Warsaw.

    People like Pavel Latushka, who, together with the National Anti-Crisis Management, is documenting the crimes of the regime to finally hold it to account.

    People like Aliaksandr Milinkevich, who never gets tired of reminding people that the future of Belarus lies in Europe.

    People like Arthur Vakarov, whose posters you can see on the walls.

    People like Alena Zhyvahlod and “Honest People” who try to reach out to the most indifferent audiences.

    Or the Belpol team, who were the first to tell us about the dictator’s luxurious residences and held a daring campaign across Belarus on the eve of the regime’s sham election.

    People like Andrei Pavuk, who keeps Lukashenka’s officials on the alert.

    Dear friends, I have something to say about each and every one of you, but our conference time is limited. Thank you to each and every one of you for your work.

    But I am especially grateful for those initiatives that help political prisoners. They send them their favorite things, food, postcards, hygiene products, and cosmetics. Many people have no idea how colored socks and lipstick can make people happy behind bars. But our political prisoners do…

    I am also grateful to those fighting for the release of our relatives from behind bars. A couple days ago, when there was a prisoner swap between Russia and the USA, many of us hoped that we would see the names of Maryia Kalesnikava, Andrzej Pochobut, or Ihar Losik on the lists. But, despite all efforts, no miracle happened. I have no doubt that we will talk about this a lot today. In anticipation of all such questions, let me answer. We did not know and did not participate in these negotiations and could not influence their results.

    But the very fact of such a swap is an important precedent that will help us achieve the release of Belarusians in the future. It is also an opportunity to draw the world’s attention to the situation with political prisoners in Belarus.

    Many diplomats dealing with Belarus are here with us today. For them, as for you and me, the issue of political prisoners is the number one priority. I am convinced that together we can find ways and mechanisms to get our people out of prisons.

    Dear friends!

    So why have we gathered here today?

    Speaking of mission, we’re here to let Belarusians have Belarus back. To let Belarusians have the right to decide how to live and where to live again instead of just existing and being afraid. 

    Speaking of practical aspect, today we face many tasks, and first of all, to discuss the action strategy for 2025.

    What we will do during the next sham election.

    What else we can do to get people out of prisons.

    How we can prevent another Iron Curtain and help Belarusians in exile.

    How we can strengthen the connections between Belarusians inside the country and in exile. Between civil society and politicians.

    How we can preserve Belarus’ independence and strengthen national identity. How we can prevent Belarus from becoming a consolation prize for Putin.

    There are many challenges and questions ahead of us, to which we will seek answers together.

    Today’s conference is an excellent opportunity to meet like-minded people and, in a good sense, opponents. Hug, share both pain and joy, and failures and successes.

    I have heard many times that many of you are sometimes overwhelmed by exhaustion, indifference or disappointment. Some rarely. Some more often. Well… It’s normal. We’re only humans, it’s normal for us to experience different emotions and have such times. But we must remember: Disappointment and depressive episodes are not forever. We must not deviate from the chosen path, we must continue moving towards our common goal.

    It’s normal to complain sometimes, and arguments can be productive. But after that… After that, exhale, make peace, shake hands, and keep moving shoulder to shoulder.

    We must always remember that one of the goals of dictators is to destroy us. The Office, the Cabinet, the Coordination Council, many organizations, even our soldiers at the front and underground. Remember this when you want to criticize someone or complain to me about your colleagues .

    Some say: “He does this, she does that…”. And I reply: “We”. Only we. And only together.

    Only as long as we are together, the regime will fail to break or discourage us. It will fail to turn over the page while our Homeland is enslaved. While political prisoners face slow death in the regime’s clutches. While all the repressed have not been rehabilitated. While those responsible for torture have not been held accountable. While our evacuated and imprisoned compatriots can’t attend the funerals of their relatives or visit the graves of loved ones.

    I’ve heard a lot of discussions recently about where to find the power to keep moving forward. Where do we get the strength? How do we not fall into depression? How do we stop feeling like our cause and our struggle are losing their meaning?

    First, we need to see the positive and stop devaluing what has been done. They are trying to make us think that everything is falling apart… people are leaving, can’t reach an agreement in the Cabinet… That the West doesn’t care about us anymore, and nothing is being done… But in fact, a lot is being done! Share success and positivity with others. Praise each other, after all!

    Second, we must not stand still. Even small steps matter. Volunteer, launch initiatives and join solidarity rallies, help Ukraine, speak Belarusian, support our political prisoners and their families, volunteer fighters…. If you help others, meaning appears in your life, in your actions, in sleepless nights, months, and sometimes even years.

    Yes, it’s difficult, but it gives you the feeling that nothing is in vain.

    I am proud of us, Belarusians, for being who we are. So brave. Unbreakable. Worthy. I am proud that we are so capable of solidarity.

    Dear Belarusians,

    Victory does not come out of nowhere, and unity does not happen without teamwork. It depends only on us which country we will live in and what kind of country we will come back to.

    Please hear me now. We can only succeed if we move together. The future of New Belarus depends on each of us.

    Thank you for not giving up. For not stopping believing. Together we will overcome everything.

    So, today, on August 3, in Vilnius, I solemnly declare the New Belarus Conference 2024 open.

     I wish you fruitful work! Long Live Belarus!”

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